Eclectic Sessions

A big part of why we started doing events was our love for music. And none of our events brings this love to the fore quite like Eclectic Sessions. Eclectic is a much more laid back event than our other properties. Where Soundset is all about community and Rare is all about energy, Eclectic is an intimate celebration of music and the range of emotions it can elicit from us all. It is a live performance platform where the love triangle between musicians, their music and their audience is amplified; we achieve this through thoughtful curation of sound as well as space to create a warm experience that entertains as well as captivates.

To date we’ve had performances from artists like Tyson Sybateli, Mars Baby, Tron Pyre and Cheryl Zondi to name a few. One of the hallmarks of Eclectic is straddling the line between putting familiar artists in a new environment, and giving newer artists a platform to be heard. This platform also lives on after the event, through live recordings of the performances on our YouTube page.